Author: Shannon Boyce
The soundtrack always matters. No, not just in your favourite 80s movie, but at the gym, too! The music that you listen to can make a huge difference in how motivated you are to work out, how long you work out for, and even how much effort you put into it. Since your music is so important, having the perfect workout playlist is a must. How can you create one? Just follow these tips:
Start With Your Warm Up Song
Working out tends to feel less like working out when you have a distraction. That’s why music is so great! It keeps you pumped without taking up too much of your attention. When it comes to your warm up, you need to give some serious thought to the song you choose. You don’t want something that is too fast…. remember, you’re easing into your workout. Pick something with a moderate tempo that you can do some stretches to. It should be about four minutes long so that you aren’t rushing through your stretching. A tip? Consider songs with inspirational or motivational messages, like Katy Perry’s “Roar.” They can help empower you and get your mind focused for the workout ahead.
Building The Tempo Song
Once you are done with your stretching, it’s time to kick it up a notch – but not too much. You don’t want to rush into the highest energy songs you’ve got! It’s all about easing into your workout. Make sure the tempo is a little bit faster so that you can start building your energy. Think of a song with a beat you would want to match your walking or running speed to. When you’re getting ready to do your cardio, you’ll have the perfect song to get you going!
Crazy Fast Songs
Next on your workout playlist? Something super upbeat that gets your heart pumping. When you listen to a fast song, you are more likely to shift your pace to match up with the beat. That means you can burn even more calories thanks to the music you’re listening to! Some ideas to consider: anything from Ke$ha, Britney Spears, or the Pussycat Dolls. The key is to find songs with a fast pace that you love listening to. It’s all about staying motivated during your workout and pushing yourself even further.
Recovery Songs
If you listen to too many super fast paced songs in a row, you’re likely to totally wear yourself out. That is why having recovery songs is so important for any successful playlist. It lets your body calm down a little bit without stopping your workout completely. So, mix things up with one or two fast paced songs followed by one recovery song. Something fun and poppy like a boyband song will give you energy and still let you slow down a bit.
End With a Cool Down Song
You’re almost done creating your playlist from start to finish. All you have left to think about is your cool down song – or songs, depending on how much time you need to stretch and unwind. For this, you’ll want something slow but still inspirational. A song like “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera will be perfect. It’s all about patting yourself on the back and slowing your heart rate down.
There you have it – tips to create the perfect workout playlist. With just a little bit of work beforehand you can make sure your next workout is as effective as possible.
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