When you’re starting a new course there’s a lot to take in. You’ll often have whole new subject areas to get to grips with, as well as a new schedule, a new set of classmates, and new approaches to learning. Do you have time to get to know your tutor as well? This article explains why you should make time because it could be one of the most important steps you take in your academic career.
Your classes will make more sense
Do you ever sit in class feeling that you just can’t get your head around what your tutors are saying? It’s much easier if you know where they’re coming from. What’s more, when you provide feedback, it helps to make future lessons easier to understand for you and others. Getting to know your tutor makes it easier to ask questions and you may also be able to get helpful recommendations for further reading or learning opportunities, tailored to your needs.
You’ll feel more motivated
Although you will no doubt be excited when you start your course, it can be difficult to stick with it when the going gets tough. Many Wilkes classes are held online and although this makes attendance easier, students unfamiliar with distance learning can struggle to acquire the self-discipline needed. It’s much easier to do when you have a strong, positive relationship with your tutor so that you remain enthusiastic about your subject and don’t want to disappoint.
You might need an academic supervisor one day
If one day you decide to do a Ph.D., you’ll need a supervisor to keep you on track, make suggestions and help you through the process. It’s never too early to start looking for this because it’s a big advantage to be able to choose someone with whom you already have a well-established relationship. A sympathetic tutor who knows you’re passionate about what you do can also help open doors for you in other areas of academia.
It could help you get a job
Academic references are essential for getting some types of jobs and a big help with others. While tutors are normally prepared to write references for any diligent and hardworking student, it’s obvious when they have a real connection with a student, and a reference that feels more personal tends to carry a lot more weight. It lets a prospective employer know that the reference is not just provided out of politeness but reflects qualities in the student which genuinely stood out.
if you’re really going to maximize your opportunities in education and in your career afterwards, you need to get all you can out of it, and that means having somebody on the inside who can help. As a rule, your tutors will share your excitement about the subjects you’re studying and be thrilled to see their students do well, so you’ll already have something in common. Build on that connection and you won’t regret it.
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