MAKO Medical Laboratories and CEO Chad Price have been at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19 since the pandemic began. The nationally recognized methodology development and pathological service provider quickly shifted gears to offer coronavirus testing and research last year. Since then, the laboratories have increased in capacity, and the team has expanded from around 300 staff members to over 1,000.
The leading healthcare brand has been instrumental in supplying accurate and speedy COVID-19 tests to organizations within the region. This month, the Kentucky Department of Public Health (KDPH) named Mako Medical Laboratories as one of the testing partners for Kentucky schools. The move means that Chad Price’s labs will be regularly testing both students and educators throughout the 2021/2022 school year.
“MAKO Medical is ready to help Kentucky schools safely reopen,” explained Josh Arant, Chief Operating Officer, MAKO Medical. “We have the resources and capacity to ensure fast and reliable testing, which is critical to help limit the spread of COVID-19, especially with the rapid spread of variants.”
The partnership is part of the Kentucky K-12 School COVID-19 testing program. The Kentucky Department of Public Health (KDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have collaborated on this program to help protect students and educators across the region. School leaders can opt into the program, which provides their institute with free coronavirus screening for all staff members and students. All of the above has been funded by federal dollars, meaning that school providers don’t have to pay a dime.
Since the pandemic started last year, there has been great emphasis on the importance of proper testing. Slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus is one of the biggest challenges that health policymakers have faced in recent years. “Research shows regular weekly testing of students and educators reduces the spread of COVID-19 in schools by 50%,” says Ryan Nibert, Regional Executive, MAKO Medical Laboratories.
The team at MAKO Medical Laboratories has worked tirelessly to create fast and affordable tests for the local community. The healthcare provider has always been on the front foot when it comes to supporting nearby organizations and institutes. With schools set to reopen for the new semester soon, it’s never been more important to protect students and staff members.
“We all want to keep our schools safe and have peace of mind as we return to large group activities,” said Jonathan Tucker, Regional Executive, MAKO Medical. “Our MAKO team can help make this happen by partnering with schools to provide turnkey testing in a rapid, reliable way.”
Toward the start of the month, the Kentucky Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) announced that MAKO Medical Laboratories would be one of two key partners in the program. These partners will be operating the StrongSchoolsNC: K-12 COVID-19 Testing Program. That means offering end-to-end COVID-19 testing services and results to a vast majority of North Carolina schools. Many institutes have already opted in to this program, including 47 charter schools, 48 independent schools, and 44 school districts.
Chad Price, Adam Price, and Josh Arant founded Mako Medical Laboratories back in 2014. The College of American Pathologists (CAP) accredited laboratory has now processed more than eight million COVID-19 tests across more than 40 states. As such, the leading laboratories have become official testing partners for multiple companies, medical providers, sports teams, and public health departments. Additionally, MAKO Medical Laboratories offers a variety of services from antigen to antibody to PCR to sequencing.
Most recently, the laboratories added a new laboratory-based antigen test, building upon its existing COVID-19 diagnostic offering. The test allows individuals to determine whether they have previously had the active virus in their system. By partnering with Diasorin, the team has brought a highly accurate antigen test to the community. The screening identifies the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 N protein antigen and has a sensitivity of 97.1%
About MAKO Medical Laboratories
Underpinned by an expert team of nationally recognized doctors and PhDs, MAKO Medical Laboratories specializes in methodology development and pathological services. The game-changing testing company and labs prioritize patients by offering transparency.
Started in 2014 by Chad Price, Adam Price, and Josh Arant, it aims to disrupt the sector. Additionally, MAKO Medical offers support to veterans. The company combines a wealth of new technology including robotics, app platforms, and cloud-based tech. In response to the pandemic, the laboratories have adapted their services to offer accurate testing.
Chad Price is the CEO of MAKO Medical Laboratories. He has had a long entrepreneurial career previously co-founding BrideGenie and founding Element Services Group Mechanical LLC. He has played a major role in starting Cary Reconstruction and is a board member for Trill A.I. Moreover, he currently offers tailored consulting services to companies embarking on new mergers or primed for growth.
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