Lately I cant get enough regarding this topic. I am reading everything I can get my hands on and I am incorporating things like Turmeric and Nutritional yeast into my meals whenever I can.
It seems like now is the time for this topic to rise and be considered a viable option for those looking to take their health into their own hands.
I don’t know if it is my industry or my year of close family and friends suffering from heart disease and cancers, that make me want to know more… Either way the facts are astounding. I have 4 female cousins all the same age as me (38!!Yay!!) one suffered a stoke and has been hospitalized since April (confined to a wheelchair and speaking valve) and one was admitted to the hospital after suffering so many heart attacks they lost count she had 3 main attires clogged and required surgery!! Yes I said 38…..
I also just learned that a friend from high school (36) was diagnosed in the summer with breast cancer, which has since moved to her liver, bones, blood and lungs. So far these brave ladies have fought back and continue to get a little better everyday. It’s making me feel like a sitting duck (with Elmer Fudd breathing down my neck).
I don’t want to wait to start eating better. I am actually taking comfort in knowing that I can do something now and not just keep my fingers crossed that I am the next one to fight the good fight. I want to fight now. I want to fuel my body with as much good foods that aid in digestion, controlled blood sugars, cleared arteries and increased antioxidants so that my arsenal is full, in case I am called to the front lines.
I am surrounded by diabetes on both sides of my family (type I and II) and have lost most of my grandmother’s 7 sisters to various forms of cancers. I want to know more and do what I can now. I have decided to learn all I can about Juicing (which in some countries is prescribed as medicine to people fighting cancer due to the extremely high doses of Vitamin A and C) as it seems the quickest and most effective way to load my weaponry. I use Flax seeds and Chia seeds in my baking and
Smoothies to increase the levels of Omega 3’s to protect and feed my brain. I have green smoothies for breakfast every week day (and so do the kids) to keep my arteries clear and my bones strong. I don’t do this in some vain attempt to prolong the last 401 days of my thirties (yes, I am counting).
I do it because I am fighting for my life, the life of my children and my husband. I want to do everything I can to spend as long as I can with the people I love.
I will do what it takes to make sure I am prepared to fight just in case…..
My No-Fail Green Smoothie Recipe
Its sweet and full of greens that add an immeasurable amount of health benefits to your morning.
Serves: 1
1 cup of Non-Dairy milk (I love Silk’s Almond Coconut blend, its unsweetened and tasty)
1 Banana
1 (serious) handful of greens (baby spinach is a great place to start)
1/2 cup of frozen fruit (favourites in my house are berry blends or mango)
1 TBSP of ground flax seed (optional, but great for adding some brain feeding Omega 3’s)
4 ice cubes (not sure why, but the magic number is 4)
Garnish however you want (oranges or peaches look nice)
Add all ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth.
Calorie Count is dependent on fruit/milk choices, mine rakes in at about 200 calories and the yield is a massive glass full!!
Try it and let me know what you think!
Yours in Health,
Monika says
Love it! So easy!!! I think I will also add some ground chia seeds to this yummy recipe and try it out 🙂
admin says
I LOVE chia seeds! And goji berries are a nice addition too!