What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
SAD is a type of depression that is brought upon by season changes. It normally appears the same time each year. It is more common during winter months when there is a lack of sunshine (vitamin D). It can leave you feeling tired, moody and sad. The best treatment for SAD is light therapy (a sun lamp). It is also encouraged to add regular exercise to your routine, which is one of the most effective ways to help with depression.
Choosing the right type of SAD Light
There are different ways in which you can help fight the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder and it will depend on medical advice which is the best option for any individual. If it has been recommended to use SAD Light Therapy treatment you have choices in which may be the best type for your lifestyle as some people have more time than others in getting a treatment on a daily basis. Sad.co.uk have outlined some of the key therapy’s which might be suitable;
Types of SAD Light
Traditional & LED White SAD Lights
White SAD Lights provide a full spectrum range of light that is the closest you can get to sunlight safely and while initially they used bulbs over 10,000 luxe in recent years LED versions have become available as they last longer before needing replacement if at all. Treatments with a White light can last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the model so if you have enough time during the early day these are ideal. Most traditional and LED white light units are also larger units than say the Blue Lights.
Blue Light SAD Lights
The blue light range has been singled out because it is one of the most effective in the treatment of SAD due to it giving a much more intense light that shortens treatment times down to 15-20 minutes. If you lead a busy lifestyle and have little free time then the blue lights can be much easier to fit into your routine. They also tend to be available in smaller, more compact SAD Light units so are ideal for travel as well.
Dawn Simulator Lights
While not technically classified as SAD Lights as they aren’t powerful enough to give a treatment, Dawn Simulators can help to relax you and give you a better sleeping pattern. Dawn Simulator Lights work by commonly being programmable to create a slow-building synthetic sunrise in durations of 15-90 minutes to ease you into a new day. Alternatively many can be set to simulate a sunset as well to help your brain wind down and overall they are ideally suited if you are a shift worker as they can work to adjust your circadian rhythm.
You should always check with your medical advisor initially on a course of treatment if you have SAD or suspect you may suffer from it before choosing the right type of SAD light that may work best for you personally. For more information about seasonal affective disorder then please check out SAD.org.uk.
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