You’ve just started working out again. That means you’ve got your cute new workout clothes, you’ve been at the gym for two hours every day, and you’re quickly becoming a lean mean fighting machine. Until you wake up one morning tired and sore, and decide to skip your workout. And then the next day you do the same thing. And the next day.
It always seems easier to start getting fit than it is to stay with it. Why? It’s all about motivation. Dreaming of being fit and healthy gets your butt in the gym for a little while. Once you start realizing all of the work it will take to actually get there? That’s when things start to go downhill. If you’re ready to change the pattern, you need ways to keep your workout motivation.
Set a Short-Term and Long-Term Goal
Having a goal is important. That goal will get you out of bed or off the couch even when you don’t want to. Having a goal that is too lofty or too far away will make you less likely to workout regularly. So, be sure that you have a bit of both. Start with a short-term goal, like being able to wear that old pair of skinny jeans that are just a little too small. Your long-term goal may be to wear a bikini on your next vacation, but start with small goals. Once you hit that first milestone, it will keep you motivated to reach your long-term goal as well.
Schedule Your Workouts
A little organization goes a long way. That is why it is a good idea to take some time and schedule your workouts into the day. If you know that you have put aside the time to work out, there will be no excuses to skip out on your sweat session. Don’t put it off until later in the day because you simply won’t do it. If you scheduled your work out for first thing in the morning, set your alarm, get out of bed, and do it! Planning ahead makes you more likely to follow through.
Change Things Up
Are you sick of doing the same workout routine day after day? It’s no wonder! Once you get into a routine for too long it gets boring. (Plus the fact that you need to change up your workout every so often to maximize your results!) To stay motivated, change it up. Try doing a different class at your local gym, put in a new workout DVD, go running around your neighbourhood, or try out some different equipment. The most important thing is to get out of your workout rut.
Have Someone You Can Be Accountable To
It can be difficult staying motivated all on your own. To keep up your spirits, have someone you can be accountable to. It may be as simple as your best friend asking how your workout went that day or even having someone that you work out with. Just by knowing that you have people behind you, reaching your fitness goals can seem entirely within your reach.
Adding exercise in your life doesn’t have to be a flash in the pan. Keep up with your workout routine by following these tips to stay motivated. It won’t take long for fitness to become something you love rather than something you’re forcing yourself to do. Stick with it!
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