Author: Lindsay Hogg
Holy shit. It’s easy to be happy… it just takes a little consistent work
Being happy is all about your perspective. You don’t need to add things to your life (a lover, house, new shirt). Right now, you are perfect the way you are and everything you need, you already have.
Happiness is a practice and with consistency it can become a habit – Me
It’s all about your frame of mind. Enjoy the things you enjoy and start enjoying the ones you don’t.
I have to go to the gym.
This implies you are being forced to go to the gym or that there is a negative energy around the act of working out. Being at the gym makes you feel good. If you left the gym hating it every day, you wouldn’t go, no matter how much you’re trying to get in shape. So, go into it with the same positive mind you leave the gym with. Don’t make going to do something you enjoy such a hardship. It’s so easy to change your frame of mind and wording.
I get to go to the gym today.
I’m excited to work out.
Working out today is going to feel great.
It sounds kinda silly and simple, but it works. I practice changing my perspective on a daily basis, it’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. Enjoy the things you enjoy. You’re the one CHOOSING to make it hard. Instead, choose to be happy and let yourself enjoy life.
I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.” – Louise Hay
Being happy is also about taking ownership of your life. We can’t expect outside sources to make us happy or blame others when we aren’t happy. No one is responsible for your happiness. Not your spouse, your children, your job or your friends.
You can’t control or change people and basing your life or happiness on someone else changing their actions or words is a waste of time. When you find yourself pointing your finger at things or people outside you, that means it’s time to turn that finger around and start looking at what you can do to make yourself happy.
Happiness is a path that takes constant effort. Whether you’re changing jobs, trying to lose weight or learning to love yourself, remember it’s a journey, and enjoy it!
Our lives are always in fluctuation and we will have our ups and downs. It’s how we deal with these changes and whether we react to them that matters. Concentrate on the action, rather than the outcome.
When we go through a hard time it’s only natural to be upset. Give yourself time to grieve, but it soon becomes your choice to stay stuck or continue on. Choose to learn from experiences and know it is all just part of the path you are on.
The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead.” -Marjorie Pay Hinckley
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