You don’t have to take huge actions in order to do your part to help safeguard the world’s precious ecosystems. As there are plenty of ways that the average consumer can help do their part to preserve our ecosystems and make our ocean’s plastic free.
How the Average Consumer Can Help Preserve Essential Ecosystems:
Don’t purchase excess packaged foods that you don’t require:
As food packaging often ends up in our ecosystem, it’s a great idea to be mindful enough to avoid purchasing excess packaged foods that you’re unlikely to eat. As the packaging is likely to end up negatively affecting precious ecosystems. One way to achieve this goal is to pre-plan all of your weekly meals so that you only purchase the ingredients that you require for a week’s worth of meals.
Try to purchase unpackaged foods:
As an example, your local grocery store may allow you to pack fresh produce in reusable eco-friendly bags that you’ll be able to use time and time again. Alternatively, you can also take things one step further by growing your own produce at home.
If you order essential items online order items in bulk:
Instead of making multiple online orders per week for essential items such as groceries, it’s a far smarter idea to limit your online order at your local grocery store to one order a week. That way the delivery person won’t have to make multiple trips to your home, which will increase their carbon footprint, which will in turn have an adverse effect on the environment.
Sell unwanted items that are in good condition:
Instead of simply throwing out unwanted items that are still in good condition such as books and clothes, it’s a great idea to sell any items that you no longer need. If you don’t have the time to search for buyers or to run online auctions, you always have the option of donating your items to a charity store. Especially as many charity stores are more than happy to pick up your unwanted items for you.
Repair your electronics instead of throwing them out:
As an easy example, if you have an iPhone that is still in good condition but has a battery that is about to die or is dead, simply get a new battery for your iPhone, instead of throwing it out and purchasing a new one. As another example, if you have a HVAC system that is having issues, hire a qualified technician to repair it, instead of just throwing it out. As most electronics can be fixed.
Make sure that your car is regularly maintained:
If your car is regularly maintained then it will be more fuel efficient, which will help you decrease your carbon footprint.
So if you assumed that you had to be an eco warrior in order to #SeasTheDay and help preserve the world’s invaluable ecosystems, think again as there are plenty of small but meaningful ways to make a positive impact on the environment and to protect it for future generations to enjoy.
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