Author: Amber French
If you have a child in sports you know how expensive it can get. Hockey can cost thousands, Dance costumes can come in at 200.00 apiece and even soccer has become quite expensive. Yet we hesitate when it comes to spending money on ourselves. Even when we don’t have kids spending money on our fitness goals can become a low priority.
Knowing where to spend your money can ease some of that burden and have you prepared to get your body moving when the inspiration strikes.
Fitness Gear falls into two categories. Must have (shoes and sports bra) and would like to have (lulu’s and arm band for your IPhone). Take your list and divide it into your needs and wants based on your activity of choice, biggest bang for your buck and you’re your fitness goals.
Tip #1 Get clear on your fitness lifestyle.
You do not need high end runners if you get inspired to move doing Yoga and Swimming. And conversely you don’t need to spend upwards of 100.00 on a yoga mat if you occasionally drop into your friendly neighbourhood yoga studio. Sometimes when the fitness bug bites our natural reaction is to jump in with both feet. Which can translate into new runners (indoor and outdoor) 5 pairs of lulu’s a new yoga mat and low, medium and high impact sports bras (in three different colours). Fun, but can be a big waste of money.
Tip #2 Do your homework
Reach out to others doing the same activity as you. Ask questions about the equipment they use and what they feel are the must have’s. Taking to other athlete’s (that’s right, that’s what you are) may even lead to good leads on helpful retail stores or killer sales or equipment swaps.
Tip #3 Buy what works for you and ask about the return policy
If you find out the yoga mat you thought you had to have gets dangerously slippery the second you break a sweat or you shoes don’t have the right kind of support and leaving you with aching shines after your first run. Make sure you are clear on the store’s policy.
Tip #4 Invest
Shoes, equipment and apparel can literally make or break your fitness routine. It can take you from another attempt to a full blown lifestyle. Nothing derails your good intentions than ill-fitting garments and subpar equipment. Spend the money to give yourself every possible chance, once you have determined your needs and are happy with your choices. Continue to invest in yourself. Good equipment is not only necessary, but it can be a great motivator or reward.
Figure out what you actually need, set yourself up for success and reinvest when you need to.
My list of must haves
Good, flexible, mild support runners that breathe – took me a long time to get it right, because I was buying whatever was on sale!!
High impact sports bra – I even wear it for low impact sports like yoga. I was wearing three bras at once and suffering some good chaffing until a running buddy pointed out that that cost of my three bras was more money than the best sports bra in the store.
Good Running Sock – blisters are not necessary, the right amount of padding and quick dry socks make a BIG difference.
Yoga Towel – I sweat a lot and the towel allows me to focus on my pose more and slipping less.
Be smart and invest in your goals!!!