Spin classes are widely popular, particularly during those cold winter months. It seems pretty clear what the goal is. You walk into a room full of different exercise bikes. You sit down on one and spend the next hour or so building your leg muscles and working those glutes. Well, that is the general idea…. but don’t get too cozy just yet. Spin classes aren’t easy. In fact, they are known for being highly intensive and pretty darn hard! If you’re ready to tackle the challenge but haven’t started yet, here are some ways that you can prepare for your first spin class.
Choose Your Clothes Wisely
Here is a dose of reality: you are going to be on that bike for a long time. What does that mean? Your workout clothes need to help you do your best. You don’t want to wear long pants that are too wide at the bottom as they may get tangled up in your wheels. Sweat is a natural part of any spin class…. that is what makes it such a powerful workout! In order to dress appropriately, your best bet is a pair of comfortable running shorts or Capri style workout pants. As for the top, you don’t want anything too loose or with too much fabric. It is also a good idea if your clothes are sweat resistant. (Yes, expect an awful lot of sweat!) When it comes to your shoes, a standard pair of running shoes will work. If you’re really serious about spinning though, you may want to invest in a good pair of spinning shoes. They will help you to ride even better and with added comfort.
Know What To Expect From The Class
It’s always better if you go into a spin class having a rough idea of what you can expect. Classes usually range from 30 minutes to an hour, so check before you go. Whether you take a beginner class or just a general spin class, you can expect a seriously hardcore workout. Your legs, stomach, and glutes will be burning by the end of it, but you’ll notice a difference. There is typically a warm up, different paces throughout the class (higher and lower intensities) as well as a cool down. Energetic music and a good instructor can make it more enjoyable, so shop around!
Make Sure Your Bike Is Set Up Properly
Once you’re dressed and ready to go, the next most important way to prepare is to learn your bike. It is essential that it be set up properly. Things like the seat height and handlebar placement and so on. They matter! Before your first class, pull the instructor aside and let them know that it is your first time. They will be able to help you get your bike set up so that you can ride comfortably. Plus, if you have any questions or concerns, they can help you feel more confident before the workout begins. Don’t be afraid to ask! It just may help your class to go a little more smoothly.
You don’t have to be afraid of spin classes. Just do your best to be prepared and don’t be afraid to speak up if you need to. It won’t be long until you’re a seasoned pro!
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